HCI December 2006

Congratulations on being in the article in HCI December 2006 issue, pg 71, covering Import Showff, Nisei, Little Tokyo. HCI wrote, “At any West Coast car show, you can expect Team Hybrid to make a strong showing as they did the night before at the HIN show, so it was no surprise to see them all out in full force for Little Tokyo.

One Team Hybrid member that stole the show was David Huang and his chameleon-painted Lexus IS300.

This turbocharged IS300 was fixed with an array of HKS upgrades that flowed perfectly with the theme of the car. Huang cleaned house the night before, and at Little Tokyo he walked away with the coveted Best of Show award.”

ps. Thanks to Neil/Gene Tjin for showing us some Hybrid luv.

Hybrid luv,

James Lin



Modified November 2006

Congratulations on being in the article in Modified Magazine November 2006 issue, pg 151, covering Hot Import Nights, Los Angeles. Modified wrote, “Team Hybrid came out showing everyone why Southern California was their showing grounds. With an elaborate display of their immaculate vehicles along with models such as Courtney Day. Team Hybrid showed why their crew is one of the best ones in the nation.”

ps. Thanks to Jason Siu @ Modified for showing us some Hybrid luv.

Hybrid luv,

James Lin



Performance Auto & Sound October 2006

Congratulations to David Huang’s HKS IS300 in a 4 page full feature in Performance Auto & Sound Magazine’s October 2006 issue, pgs 196, 198, 200 and 202. Like I said earlier this year, it’s another year of the Hybridz. Wait till you guys see what comes out in 2007 especially when this car goes into Phase III.






Hybrid luv,

James Lin

Sept. 2006 www.tunerzine.com

Congratulations to D. Huang for being the September cover car for www.tunerzine.com. Not only is his Lexus HKS IS300 the cover car, but also his brand new, off the show room floor 2006 Lexus IS350.

Tunerzine wrote, “This month’s issue starts with two of Southern California’s hottest show cars. David Huang and Team Hybrid continues to bring it big to the Hot Import Nights circuit. Huang’s IS300 is no stranger to the show scene, but his newest project, his IS350, will definitely be raising some eyebrows in the year to come.”

For more on the aticle and pictures, please visit http://tunerzine.com/articles.php?id=191. Here are a few sample pictures.

Team Hybrid’s Lexus HKS IS300:





Team Hybrid’s Lexus IS350:



We continue to set the standard. I wonder why. Look out for Team Hybrid in 2007. If you thought we held it down in 2006, wait till 2007 rolls around. Another year of history in the making.

Hybrid luv,

James Lin

D Sport July 2006

This has been printed, but not on newstands yet. But I already have 1 of the 2 “Covers” for D Sport Magazine July 2006 issue. I’m jumping the gun a bit, but I am just so excited because this will be about a 17 page spread including the photoshoot w/ the model, car feature, and cover. Congratulations to David Huang’s Chameleon HKS IS300 for making “BOTH COVERS” of D Sport Magazine July 2006 Issue. This year is not only turning out to be another year of the Hybridz. It could be the start of Hybrid Nation. Just wait and see what we have in store for all of you @ this weekend’s meeting. Here is a preview…..








Super Street July 2006

Congratulations to Debbie Cha’s Widebody Kandy Orange Prelude on being in the event coverage in Super Street July 2006 issue, pg 117, covering Vision’s Night Shift – San Diego. Great job Debbie on representing your car, BF Goodrich and of course, your team. Super Street continues to show us luv so much appreciated Super Street Flunkies.



Hybrid luv,

James Lin